
You can be very careful and quick. A lot easier than removing the plate.

I wish I could have given you some of my poop.
Cuz my poop is the shit.

What would he call you all?

I thought Subway bread was mostly yoga mat?

Coo Coo, she can give her fellow inmates NXIVM skin brands!

Why would you remove the strike plate? That’s your bottle opener.

My french press carafe broke. I tried using the Melitta + paper filter but found it lacking. So now I make a Moka with extra hot water to bring it to Americano strength. Nobody’s hacking me!

Portland got a shout out!

Meghan McCain had a baby, a girl. Her name is Liberty.

Just wait for the Italians and Asians to fish them out.

Judy Greer got married and keeps a separate house from her husband because he has kids and..

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Here is Lorenza DeMedici demonstrating bechamel. My friend was enthralled with her ringed fingers kneading pasta dough back in the 90s.

Is any effort being put into these videos?

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Seeing the Nepalese writing reminds me of this Nova episode about writing. Did anyone catch part 1 last week?

I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Dale Chihuly lost an eye (and his depth of field vision, important in glass blowing) in a car accident.
He squiggles some paint tubes on paper and tells his glass blowers to make it.

Scarlett Johansson have also taken up beekeeping in recent years—Johansson received her bees as a wedding present from Samuel L. Jackson.

I’ve come to understand why the phrase ‘born in the wrong body’ is unhelpful to me. I know why I used to use it; because other people struggled to understand, but looking back I know it did me harm. Saying you have the wrong body feels like a kind of self-abuse, and it’s not the same as saying ‘I need to adjust my