How is this your first SNS and you are ungreyed while I’m in grey purgatory? How does this happen?
I have a friend who lives in SoCal and is a census worker. Yikes!
Nobody is ever going to see this but I revisit this ‘goat song’ whenever I need cheering up.
Didn’t stop Jessica Seinfeld.
It’s not such a serious procedure but here they always make you have a ‘buddy’ come pick you up afterwards. I remember having my friend stop at a coffee shop after so I could get coffee..finally.
The pharmacy.
But maybe you should talk to your doctor. Cleaning yourself out like that shouldn’t be more than a once-in-2/5/10-years thing.
Cue the “so you don’t have mice/rats/cockroaches at your house” queries.
Cheddar cheese doesn’t come in slices, it comes in chunks.
No gloves or face covering with the ammonia. Really??
Marnie/Allison, I’m not sure what is going on with this sentence:
In those halcyon days before COVID-19, many Portland schools closed their drinking fountains due to the state of their pipes. Lead, anyone?
Oh my god, I felt that down my spine. I don’t know why I always feel a fall when I see one, but I do.
I’m a grey.
Liquor store boxes are the best for books: small and sturdy.
My father had non-cancerous polyps. I had a colonoscopy in 2014. My health insurance will not approve another one until 2024. I mean, really? Can they at least give me the poo test?