
How is this your first SNS and you are ungreyed while I’m in grey purgatory? How does this happen?


I have a friend who lives in SoCal and is a census worker. Yikes! 

Nobody is ever going to see this but I revisit this ‘goat song’ whenever I need cheering up.

Didn’t stop Jessica Seinfeld. 

Katie needs the protection from the followers of Emperor Klaktu.

It’s not such a serious procedure but here they always make you have a ‘buddy’ come pick you up afterwards. I remember having my friend stop at a coffee shop after so I could get coffee..finally.

The pharmacy.
But maybe you should talk to your doctor. Cleaning yourself out like that shouldn’t be more than a once-in-2/5/10-years thing.

Cue the “so you don’t have mice/rats/cockroaches at your house” queries. 

Cheddar cheese doesn’t come in slices, it comes in chunks.

No gloves or face covering with the ammonia. Really?? 

So, this generation’s “at home Gallagher”?

Marnie/Allison, I’m not sure what is going on with this sentence:

In those halcyon days before COVID-19, many Portland schools closed their drinking fountains due to the state of their pipes. Lead, anyone?

No, fried plantains is the place to start.

Oh my god, I felt that down my spine. I don’t know why I always feel a fall when I see one, but I do.

I’m a grey. 

Liquor store boxes are the best for books: small and sturdy. 

My father had non-cancerous polyps. I had a colonoscopy in 2014. My health insurance will not approve another one until 2024. I mean, really? Can they at least give me the poo test?