
I was hiking with a much older member of my walking group and she said “the higher the incline, the smaller the step” and it changed my hiking game forever. You get less tired and winded.

I had a killer lab to work on for school. My friend texted me and said what are you drinking? I said tea. But when I completed and submitted the lab? I poured myself a beer. Aaaah. 

Also, if you’re taking notes, write down the speaker’s name FIRST THING.

Oh yah, that falls in line with the Russian proverb “trust, but verify”.

Are you a Scorpio too? I have people opening up to me too, with little/no inducement. I don’t mind, I was just trying to correlate.

My supervisor: Everything in life is willingness.

I get you but what about raising children in a multi-generational model? Having family support can be invaluable.

There is an Italian expression, “meglio solo che mal’accompagnato”. Better alone than in bad company.

OMG. Remember that scene in “Homeland” where Carrie is preparing to run away with Brodie and they go to her secret storage locker and she unpacks passports and wads of cash?

This. I mean, knowing how to drive a car can save your life or someone else’s. You don’t need to advertise it, but having skills is advantageous.

I apply this to graduating college with student loan debt. You know how when you’re a poor student and you live like a poor student: shared accommodations, limited restaurant meals, clothes from a thrift store? When you graduate and get that first good job, keep living like a poor student! Too many grads fall into the

And whatever you do, do not write or otherwise call it ‘break up mix tape’! Gotta surprise them with the playlist.

Shepard Smith is jobless by choice.

Seriously. I hope her book becomes a best seller now.

PPB-Portland Police Bureau is facing a shortage of applicants so they’re lowering the requirements to apply. No more college degree needed, just a high school diploma is okay. This, despite the fact that the advantages of having cops with a college degree are:

Framing him as a genius is [also] a convenient way for law enforcement and the justice system writ large to avoid grappling with

Thank you. As an Oregonian, I was going to say ‘Squatch too.

Did Alec suddenly become stupid because he had his family with him?

Ellen DeGeneres has been and still is the worst.