Come on now, are you going to waste time complaining about the size when you could be decorating it to the hilt?
Come on now, are you going to waste time complaining about the size when you could be decorating it to the hilt?
Poor quality peanut butter too, powdery.
You speak my language.
You know what might be fun? If you could do the proposal and wedding all at once. Like a surprise/ambush wedding. Gather the family for the proposal, they’ll all be so happy for you. And then, surprise: we’re getting married right now!
Candy Corn is like Swedish Fish, addictive at first, but soon lose their appeal. I agree Circus Peanuts aren’t that great, but I think they smell wonderful and I would buy a perfume called Eau de Circus Peanuts.
Post a pic of your bike, Kristin!
When I picked out my bike and the salesman adjusted my seat, I was confused. My feet could barely touch the ground, and that didn’t seem right.
And why is he dressing like Dieter of Sprockets?
Radial Keratotomy, or RK, the precursor to Lasik. Some say it’s better.
This is Cody Gifford, aged 29. (Sister Cassidy, mom Kathie Lee)
How do you tame wild rice?
I have a friend who makes a living on Fiverr. You can also try Task Rabbit.
I will clear my cookies on Firefox, thanks. Chrome is just peachy for me.
How do we know it’s really Cardi?
This guy was pretty wise.
Excellent gif is excellent.
Air is the enemy of keeping most things fresh in the fridge, but especially sour cream. Your squeeze bottle is a great way to serve, and store, if you can store it upside down in the fridge somehow. Storing it upside down ensures the sour cream moves down into the hole, keeping the air out, and hence, keeping it…
I like raisins in general but hate it when I bite into an oatmeal cookie and a whole raisin comes out in the bite. To work around that, I chopped up the raisins into very small pieces (the size of coarse-ground pepper) and put them in the batter. The raisin flavor was there but the whole chewy goop was not. Someone…
She’s the worst kind of mean person, the one who comes off as so jovial.