
There are a bunch of undocumented South Africans in Colorado. Don’t ask me how I know.


Now playing

I am sharing what I feel should be the song of summer 2019. From Madonna’s new Madame X album. I dare you not to shake your booty to it.

Get items of clothing that fit you well. That you feel you look good in.

Now playing

Here is a nice CBS piece about the seamstresses.

Wait. I believe he left out a word that makes a helluva lot more sense:

Or rent. Preach!

Seriously? Alexander the Great/Macedonians were redheads. My friend who is Greek swears it was the Turks* (with a spit, ach-tooey) who polluted their gene pool with dark hair.

Why would you need your birth certificate for college apps?

In the any green can be made into pesto category, add Stinging Nettle.

Even if it means Ranch girl loses her 15 minutes of fame

Criminal” and “This is love”. Both from Phoebe Judge who has a delightful voice.

In the freezer section of the grocery I saw a frozen pizza with a broccoli crust. Not gonna lie, I was tempted. It’s more expensive than the other brands tho.

Did this guy work there?

Don’t hate; appreciate.

I think anything sour needs two exposures. The first one will inevitably be bad. But I now love injera. LOVE it. I want to make an Ethiopian meal, but I’ll only make the vegetable dishes. I’ll buy the injera.

How could you not mention

This is ostensibly a glorified take on stuffing potato chips into your ham sandwich.