Millennials are watching “Friends” and “The Office”. Some future generation will binge TBBT.
We need more immigrants on shows.
Does not qualify as a drama or comedy, and I want to stress how I never watch any singing competition shows, but a show about songwriters? Mebbe.
My dentist put tropical posters on the ceiling above the chair for that purpose.
Just like how I had my first Long Island Iced Tea drink in Albany, after I drove up from Long Island.
That recipe looks great. You would love breakfast in Turkey. Also, cottage cheese is a big deal in Israel. It was mentioned in “Blueprint for a revolution”:
The stuff of nightmares.
It’s not sacrificial. You’re performing the QC* duties.
Yes, and have you noticed that Melissa McCarthy is a female Ricky Gervais. Please observe them both and see for yourself.
I think this show is interesting because it gives you cliff-hanging flashforward glimpses at the end of the season. What other show does that?
Construction types here are using boots to prevent their trailers from getting stolen when parked outside their own or their clients’ houses. To see how easy it is to remove them makes me sad.