I thought all the interchangeable white dude-bros assholes on the internet were just grown in a corporate R&D lab?
I thought all the interchangeable white dude-bros assholes on the internet were just grown in a corporate R&D lab?
Nah, being a scumbag just makes you look like that
I fucking hate “reaction videos,” and have since their inception. Doing this for a war video adds a whole new layer of pathetic narcissism for clicks and attention.
He’s streaming his reaction to war footage which in turn, he gets paid for.
Good job illustrating that the “Worthington’s Law” Mr. Show sketch wasn’t parody!
It’s okay, Ashley makes more than you do and xQc doesn’t know you exist, nor will they ever.
It’s not a game that tries to glorify war, so I'm cool with that.
Every time I hear about a Twitch streamer it’s because they’re a piece of shit. Stop giving them free publicity by writing about them.
Gonna make this short: Star Ocean 2 is a fantastic JRPG that still holds up today. This remake of it is genuinely great - they converted old pre-rendered backgrounds into 3d areas, updated the music, even the sprites catch light and shadow convincingly.
This is EXACTLY how you ‘update’ a game for the modern audience.…
For me, the parts of Black Flag that made it great were the parts that had nothing to do with Assassin’s Creed, so in that sense the ‘best AC game’ to that point was good for being not a good AC game.
It IS “Classic”!
Counterpoint: No
This past week, I got a Mustang and an Edge as rentals.
Well, it’s a Barsanti newswire, so if you’re looking for some sort of POV to anchor the snark to you’re out of luck.
Well I don’t mean to harsh your mellow but Halloween falls on Tuesday this year.
Vote with your wallets people. Don’t see Kill Bill when it comes out.
I refuse to believe that there’s a human being actually named Chord Overstreet. Sounds like a self-insert character from an anime based on American showtunes of the ‘50s.
Los Angeles really takes Halloween to the next level. I hadn’t considered how seriously all the actors, models, makeup artists, costume designers, etc. would celebrate a holiday where you wear costumes until I witnessed it in person. Kind of obvious in hindsight though.
As a whole, Friends does not hold, thanks to the questionable jokes, lack of diversity for New York and weird story lines.