
My parents took me to see Shaft. Now all three are gone. Death sucks. Rest in Power, sir.

There are still something like 250+ Joe Estevez movies they haven’t gotten around to yet.


I like to think Diesel saw Van Damme first express his support for Trump and then say that the Illuminati, Rockefellers and Rothschilds might prevent Trump from winning the election and went “nah, thanks”.

We got a satellite for the first time when I was in, like, 4th grade and MST3K and the original British version of Whose Line became staples instantly. And man oh man, the fact you said Pod People... that’s literally my earliest MST3K memory. “Ooh, small potatoes.”

Same, since I got sick one day in 5th grade and stayed home from school, channel surfing until I hit Comedy Central. I almost thought I was hallucinating what I saw, but immediately I start laughing my ass off. Of course, it was Pod People.

I’m not sure where you’ve seen people being offered a cut of profits for backing a crowdfunded project, but I’ve never seen that on Kickstarter or the like. They’re pretty much all like what MST3K is doing, with various donation tiers offering different merchandise and perks alongside getting the actual product you’re

I’m not sure any single show/movie, outside of The Simpsons, ever influenced and shaped my sense of humor the way MST3K did as a kid. Much to the chagrin of my wife, who despises when anyone talks during a movie or TV show. Apparently, my snarky comments are not her cup of tea when we’re watching something. 

I got a leaked screenshot...

Sephiroth kills... Choco Bill!?

The best thing about a surprise is hearing about it beforehand!

It opened a week before Barbie and Oppenheimer, that definitely hurt.

The advantage of this is evident when you see it with your elderly parents, as I did. Normally they have to ask things like “why is he doing that?” and “who is that?” but this movie made it impossible not to follow what was going on.

Sure. Maybe not in the US, but other areas of the world aren’t as far along into dystopian religious fascism.

2 Dead 2 Reckoning

Indeed. Consolidations are almost never a sign of a strong, competitive, and healthy industry. They are, in fact, signs of an industry on the verge of spiraling into total collapse. It’s a sign that businesses have grown large enough to gobble up their respective markets and sit on them, blocking any new entrants or

Those are either blind fanboys, people in denial, or capital C capitalists.

Yet everyone is out here celebrating the ActiBlizz sale like it’s not one of the worst things to happen to gaming

It’s not the old console games I’m worried about - look at the always online games. Once they’re dropped they’re gone. Not hard to access, or requiring an emulator - just straight up no longer extant. You can’t play Battleborn or Marvel Heroes anymore, not even on private servers.

if you knew anything about Layden’s career and how hard he championed for smaller niche and obscure import games, and especially fought for the PSP and Vita, you would not make such a characteristically inaccurate statement. If anything, Sony would be better served having him back and filling Jim Ryan’s shoes.