
According to the book “Come And Knock On Our Door,” the issue wasn’t her standing up for herself--she was holding up production by no-showing constantly (the writers were reduced to writing two scripts, and which one they used depended on whether she showed up or not) and basically being horrible to nearly everyone.

Now playing

Hers was one of the more inspiring stories about someone who Hollywood wanted to cast off for standing up for themselves and who had the last laugh (although a lot of her later life money making was sketchy as all hell.)

I’m actually surprised that news of his death and any circumstances surrounding it were allowed to escape the country.

The least shocking thing in this story is the man who failed to notice the woman being talked over.

“If I can help some kid go through a tough time in his life, that’s what I want to do.”

He pointed out that in the notorious episode The Great Vegetable Rebellion, you can spot him refusing to look at the vegetable people as the only way he could get through a take. He always seemed to have a good sense of perspective about his career, and what really mattered.

Do you not know what profits are, business understander

To my 8 year old self, Superman and the Mole Men was the scariest movie in the world. I don’t want to look for it on YouTube or whatever and find out I was wrong. So. Trust me, Superman and the Mole Men is the scariest movie in the world.

It’s funny to realize a generation or two know him almost exclusively as an action star. When Die Hard was announced, action heroes were Arnold and Sly and Chuck. I couldn’t take the guy from Moonlighting in that role seriously. But what do you know, the man could do just about anything.

The whole “job creators” thing is so fucking sickening and boneheadedly stupid. You mean the people who have stolen all the money from the workers are the only ones with enough money to pay more workers?? The fuck you say!

eat shit, bootlicker

Huh? You must be a paid PR person. The public won’t side with actors for long? LOL. Yeah, they’re going to fall in love with Bob Iger and forsake the stars they love. What a laughable take. Revenue sharing is a non starter? UH, why?? These corporations shouldn’t have to pay more? Iger makes 27 million a year. The

The studio heads want to eliminate paying anyone but executives so hard. They’re just waiting until the day they can pivot everything to AI. Sure, it’ll be dogshit, but think of the savings!

Why is it surprising that the film actually uses the term chocolate “cartel”?

he likes to cart around a fully stocked liquor cabinet that he can sleep in”

This is a real “common clay of the new west” take

Is it just me or is “From the Producers of” a red flag in movie trailers?

Pardon my parlance, but that's one dynamite broad.