I don’t care how much you hate your job or how “important” you are. I don’t care if other people are supposedly worse. It’s no excuse to be an eternally toxic asshole to your employees.
Anybody can be a furry, bro.
You say that like it’s weird. Somebody forgot about the TG-16's tennis RPG: World Court Tennis.
I dunno, those clothes do look like they belong on the Riddler and I bet he’d join the Illuminati if he could. I’m sure in the DC universe the comment makes sense.
It’s literally the only thing in their playbook. Am I about to do something heinous? Accuse the other guy of doing it first.
It honestly feels not long ago and forever ago. Just a very, very tiring year.
It feels weird that was only a year ago.
I feel like I should make some contraption to honor him. Gone way too soon.
That sounds about right. They made about $3.7B for the year.
Like 25 years after Nirvana considered that they had finally made it when Al requested to do one of their songs.
Must suck not knowing how much evidence against you they have, huh Andrew?
That’s more of a shooter thing. I think we need Shang Tsung to destroy Earth realm in this case.
Time to make the General Grant then.
I hate that you’re probably right.
Be careful what you ask for, last time they sent us Yahoo Serious.
Shouldn’t there be a statute of limitations to DMCA? Especially involving a strike. Like you need to do that shit soon-ish after, not fucking wait years.
I think people also forget James Gunn worked for Troma. So edgy humor (and Gunn’s wasn’t shitty racist humor like this) was kinda something he was paid for for awhile there.