
I keep trying to replay KOTOR 1, but fucking Carth Onasi is the god damned worst.  He’s the reason Kaiden never survives ME1 for me.

UE4 can be used for real-time rendered CG nowadays. I doubt you’ll always be looking at such a hyper-detailed model during gameplay though.


There hasn’t been this many anomalies since Star Trek: TNG was on the air.

I dunno, that sounds so terrible it loops back around to being awesome.

I appreciate your patience with him, but by this point I would have said, “Fuck you’re dumb” and moved on.

Maki reportedly claimed was training her to enter the entertainment industry.

Fuck this dumb viral marketing bullshit. Nobody was clamoring for his vision which already fucked up the last two films. Is he suddenly gonna learn how to write and direct actors in anything but action? Fuck no.


I’m not sure this was for anyone but Valve’s devs.  They’re too terrified to do HL3 justice so getting to do a VR game sorta lets them ease back into it.

Andromeda was also made by one of the BioWare offshoot studios.  So it’s game would be less important overall to BioWare and EA leadership.

Andromeda isn’t a “live service” game.  They expected to make a handful of DLCs, maybe sequels, but it wasn’t gonna make them money for more than maybe a year.  Anthem is something they hope to make them money for 3-5 years.

I’ve got the IBS too. Although I’m also a stubborn bastard and tell my guts to fucking deal. The kung pao chicken is too good, damn the consequences.

I never did like Myst. I was more of a Zork man myself.

Chair? Just say the word Mike and we’ll rig you up in a pink Thunderdome harness complete with rails.

I made way too many Clark edits.

Somebody’s gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes!

Stick to