
I hope it stands for Snrub.

Excuse me while I go back in time and delete the internet.

Lex Luthor would have made a better president.

From what I’ve seen the original Discord server was overrun with the usual internet dickbags looking to stir up trouble once the original drama was reported on.  This led to one of the trolls convincing the server operator that NCSoft was going to C&D them and they deleted the server in response.

Cor blimey!

I’m very torn on Arya’s sex scene.

At no point did Arya’s sex scene make me as uncomfortable as this video..

Well, they purposely made sure Sam wouldn’t be in the crypt and he’s clearly the viewpoint character telling the story years later. So almost everyone important above ground lives, but Gilly, Varys, and Tyrion eat it down below?

I feel like this insults turnips.

He always looks like a child proud of himself for shitting on the toilet without any help.

Barr has had 30+ years to tell us exactly who he is.  It’s up to people to actually fucking listen.

The “embarrassing” bit from their comments on redaction really makes me think it implicates a bunch of others in the GOP of crimes.  We’ll see if they offer up Trump as a sacrifice or not.

We’ve had 2 years of juicy released that would have seen anyone else in jail.

Rusher, if you’re listening, release the full, unredacted Mueller report!

“Country’s lawyer?  Lol, nope, President and GOP’s lawyer.”

“You’re on the White Sox, how DARE you experience joy!”

They only get so many years to make a middling income off of their skills.  So yes, they kinda do have to do it to make the most of it.

Here’s the batting averages of the three players directly behind Yelich in the order last game:

I was once thrown off a land bridge by a cyclops. My pawn proceeded to jump off, grab me, and toss me back to safety while they plummeted to their doom.

Are we sure this isn’t evil universe Glenn Beck where the only person who remained like their good half had a goa- ah, fuck.