If you don’t use those words in everyday conversation then *gasp* they don’t come out when drunk.
If you don’t use those words in everyday conversation then *gasp* they don’t come out when drunk.
That explains the attempted entry into my Epic account.
Whoa, BUNDY!!!
Scared enough to make some deals with Putin I’d bet.
Man, that was like 15 yards after contact. Redskins should sign him.
Sounds like it’s Putin’s cyber army using their tactics to destabilize opposition to the isolationists.
Looks like I’m watching Muppet Treasure Island again.
They already embrace “bottom-up economics.” They have us bend over so their rich donors can have their way.
Zorak Simulator 2018
Caroline Namecrime
Man, these people obsessed with people being American sure are un-American.
The loud idiots who hate women then whine about censorship. Still rather do it that way. Twitch chat is cancerous at the best of times.
Sigh, can’t I just make fun of Pepsi without Hokusai truthers ruining it? Going with “The Great Wave” just feels lazy. Like they’re more marketing to us than to them.
Aimed at Japan... uses tsunami imagery....
“Dongers out!”
That is some weird-ass shit for the writers to forget.
Three years ago that was legal in Texas.
I am led to believe you need to know what a crumpet is before you can understand cricket.
“Oh wow, all these people are here to see me off to go play golf? I have the best fans. Let me tell you.”
I mean, I gotta give this guy credit. He probably put more thought into this than Kentucky did into it’s education system.