Now remember they work long hours full of stress and still look like that.
Now remember they work long hours full of stress and still look like that.
Eric then said, “This is good for Bitcoin.”
Tax cuts for the wealthy may technically grow the economy, but only for the top. Wages have stagnated since the ‘80s for actual workers.
You heard the Predisent (his spelling), Republicans, time for the ass babies!
Hoyer the Destroyer... of last place defenses.
Looked like more than one quarter there, buddy.
Pigsqueel has a bead of sweat run down his asscrack as the Bulls put up more of a fight than he hoped.
Never trust a Wolff in sheep’s clothing.
Jesus, what was that poor kid dealing with?
“Look at how the parks service is falling apart. Clearly government doesn’t work and we need to privatize these parks or sell off the land!”
Visual approximation of Stormy and Donald.
Josef Friztl’s reasoning for what he did to his daughter was that he “needed” to do it and his daughter was more convenient than finding someone else.
Don’t forget emulating Wii, Wii U, PS3, etc. and experiencing low res games in their proper high res glory.
I liked the Secret of Evermore run. The guy doing it was pretty entertaining.
And now your hidey hole will get a courtesy grenade upon entry every time now.
Damn, there goes my dream of her ever singing a parody of Zombie about Harambe and officially killing that meme dead forever.
Bitch is just bitter the mixed girl is 100x more beautiful than she ever was.
Ah yeah, there should be a way to convert a SketchUp file to Blender though. There was all sorts of plugins back in the day for getting SketchUp to play nice with other programs.