
I did, never did beat it though. Got stuck at some point late in the game trying to find where I was supposed to go and then my POS MadCatz memory cards died.

Now playing

I always kinda liked the cheesy as fuck opening video for Lunar the Silver Star.

In penance you must play through Baldur’s Gate all the way to Throne of Bhaal and defeat Demogorgon.

*A* Demogorgon? That’s THE Demogorgon, it’s a proper noun!

37? In a row?

Don’t you dare fucking cheat on Val.

$5 says one of your states doesn’t collect online sales tax yet and the other does.

It plays on a PS4, stupid. ColecoVision is so 1982.

I believe walls are in bounds, but if you fall into the stands runners advance a base (if there are any).

Declaring you have an MBA to everyone is like telling everyone you hate to use your imagination.

That’s the one thing that annoys me about him. I don’t think we’ve ever seen his actual best time.

For the love of god get the PC version started, S-E.

And I see a streamer who has a 970 and is doing fine. It feels random.

Just give me WarCraft 4.


Then you obviously forgot about The Dark Knight debacle where the Nolanites downvoted to hell anything ahead of TDK in the top 250 and dropped The God Father etc somewhat significantly at the time.

I knew EA would shit all over this after fucking up Battlefront.

I wonder how far the Wii U emulator will get, because I can imagine quite a few people buying the Wii U version of Breath of the Wild to play on PC.

Action RPG where the action is contained in an encounter space (e.g. Tales/Star Ocean) or where the world and battles are seamless (e.g. Ys/Secret of Mana)?

Yeah yeah, I hadn’t read the latest news yet.