And instead of dropping his stick immediately upon the impediment, he did the time-honored Blues tradition of overplaying the “interference” to get a penalty or whatever. Too bad for him it was his own man.
And instead of dropping his stick immediately upon the impediment, he did the time-honored Blues tradition of overplaying the “interference” to get a penalty or whatever. Too bad for him it was his own man.
Post-season stats are typically kept separate from regular season stats, because obviously some players and teams would be overrepresented.
“And then I told them, ‘No, of course I didn’t fart.’ but I did!”
You know we’re old crack addicts. We say we’re gonna stop, but then that new trailer comes out and the gameplay doesn’t look like shit and it wouldn’t hurt JUST to download the demo, right?
One of the worst spell systems to ever grace RPGs. You can create any spell you want! ...As long as you’re casting it on your self, touching something, or throwing a stupid ball.
Nobody puts baby in a corner. He’ll fuck you up with a charged kick from Guile.
Those fucking bots ruined the custom map scene. You can never tell if anyone is actually playing a fucking map cause it’s a fucking bot hosting AND they inundate it with empty lobbies.
Uhhh, let’s never bring up Highlander: The Source ever again.
Okay, bit obscure of a reference then for me. Don’t exactly pay attention to boxing ever.
I’d probably rule breaking your back as a serious injury, so probably just some tearing.
For your usual hockey collisions that looked extremely benign.
...or the mythical 100 mpg carburetor that the government is hiding to prop up the oil industry.
Star Trek Into Dar- Oh, he was the meathead security guy who gave Simon Pegg hours to kill him.
Does that make it mechanically possible for him to fuck himself?
Wonder how hard it would be to make an animatronic puppet that moves according to your movements via a program reading you via a webcam?
Love me some Zelda copycats that improve on the formula.
8 3/4" thumb to pinkie and 8" palm to index.