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Thermite has industrial uses, like the welding of rails.

Ok that bothered me enough that I actually went to Google to see what the hell. Turns out the opening line he delivered to someone else ogling his teenage neighbor. He was sort of her caretaker as her father had abandoned the family. He said it in the midst of an all night song writing session with another writer

If you fail to see the difference between political opinion and sexual orientation, discussing it with you would be a waste of time.

maybe, but nuclear is a pretty good alternative to most of the other ways we generate electricity too.

I had honestly never heard of gender reveal parties, so until I read your comment, I assumed this was a transphobic attack on someone revealing to their family and friends that they were transitioning.


Are you for real?

Well, considering that rolling back the odometer is never legal, and yet the Ferrari diagnostic machine apparently has a function specifically intended to do so, yes they absolutely did allow it.

^ Trump voter.

The problem with today’s racists/bigots/anti-semites, is that they refuse to own it. Also doesn’t help that they refer to the 8th grade as their senior year.

If these words are meaningless, then what’s the joke exactly? They can’t say that they’re both not offensive or not “funny” (I put funny in quotes, but that’s what they’re going for). There’s no “punchline” then.

You are surprised that a blogger has a poorly conceived argument and no supporting evidence?

Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.

I am not looking forward to the next 4-8 years of not having a comeback for this...

Don’t you have a nazi in the white house?

good and evil are not inherent or universal. sorry, youre wrong.

Ship Javelins through neighboring US allies. If it’s interpreted as aggressive, good. Just don’t ever admit to sending them.

It amazes ME how chickenshit so called “conservatives” have come when it comes to Russia, and Russia alone.

Fuck out here, There is no Civil War in Ukraine, Russian soldiers death toll proves that.
Tell me why other regions are not having problems? Mariupol, Odessa are other examples that you are full of shit.
Putin was working his plan to take all of the southern Ukraine and have complete control of Black sea since the

in before all the Russophiles come in and tell us how Ukraine is America’s fault and nobody should be concerned about this.