
Have you watched Master of None?

I don’t think there are many countries that allow the finder to keep the coins. Even if they do, the origin of his ownership will be questioned thoroughly. 10% finders fee isn’t that bad.

Fiat should also have slightly off weight distribution.

He probably organizes tea parties with Shaw’s skeleton.

If i’m not mistaken first generation had the rear end that loved to slide out in corner or rapid lane changing.

I heard the same music Horner did for that movie used on bunch of later B-movies.

Saab actually seems to have a lot in common with DKW’s aerodynamic prototypes. Both were slippery, 2 stroke cars. This one is from 1940.

I think i have seen it on television many times. I remember a scene in Red Dwarf.

I am driving a motor here in Europe and it makes a lot of sense for me as a primary vehicle. But America, filled with semi trucks and those large SUVs. I would not feel that confident driving near those.

People confessing to a crime they did not commit is nothing unnusual. Happens all the time. There is some confusion in the articles reporting of this exactly why did the guy end up in jail, but from my understanding he never did time for the murder of Paszitka. He was in jail for other crimes, but was only suspected

Renault and Mercedes are getting their resources more and more combined in Europe, sharing engines and components, and exchanging engineers. Nissan is owned by Renault so i guess it is time for some threesome action.

That is not very hard to do. Just kick out all the long talks about politics, and trade negotiations. Give more action and that is it. Infinitely better than prequels.

You have one extra zero in 1 microsieverts under bananas ( micro is: 10-6 Sv). This is the most blatant attempt at undermining threats of radiation i have ever encountered.

This is the first time i’ve heard about boys and girls toy sections. Like, what’s the point?

There are few in my country imported from Germany in the 90s. They have reputation for being vehicle of choice for drug dealers.

Those spirals actually do look like something to decorate your hair with.

Fear not hell, for if it exists you shall find yourself in good company.

Now playing

Braking is the key. If you floor the brake pedal perhaps you can wind the steering a bit, but the wheels are putting up a huge fight.

The force is pushing the car outwards, and you need extraordinary strength to turn the wheels. You can see at 79kmh how the car is already at the limit. The only thing that saves it is the fact that car managed to slow down sufficiently coming from first bend at 0:13

Whose line is it anyway Aisha? Hell yeah!