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Weirdly I had pretty much the complete opposite reaction

Tomorrow's headline: Fox Picks Up Mail Order Bride Sitcom

Don't forget Vin Diesel

I quit Facebook in 2005. I think my exact words were, "this won't last". Boy was I wrong!

Its about time someone took on IMDB. A website that has literally harmed no one ever.

So are we using the term 'bro' to describe any male under the age of 30 now, because when I hear the word bro Star Wars/Lord of the Rings fan is not the first thing I think of

Nailed It!

If that's a veiled criticism about me, I won't hear it and I won't respond to it.

You certainly have every right to dislike the movie, but it is objectively not twee. Maybe you mean pretentious or ostentatious?

You are entitled to your opinion but why the B word? I don't even see how it could apply to the Lisa character. If you don't like her why not use something pejorative that's at least apt like cloying?

"refusing to adopt the obviously superior aforementioned sobriquet."

Oh, Fuck You!