Well that’s about as reductionist as you can get.
You’ve clearly never seen/read Watership Down.
Just confirming that PS VR requires no authentication software BS. You can use it offline, anytime.
CoH/V went above and beyond with their CC, like no one will ever come close to what they did with costumes/powers.
This because the asshole nerd mentality is to focus on things they hate and nitpick, instead of moving on and focusing on the shit they like/care about.
Uhhh what if she did that and there’s still snakes? What if there’s kids that play around her house?
It’s the novelty, man, it’s gotta be, cause that’s got to be the only rational explanation
It would definitely be a continuation in foreshadowing if it was about Rachel and I don’t feel it cheapens anything, adds depth to the clues we’ve been seeing all along
I think what they meant was that Nintendo’s decision isn’t infringing on anyone’s freedom of speech.
No, I’m not “giving too much weight” into whitewashing:
They can blame the failure of this movie on whatever they want but we all know it was based of off whitewashed decision making (nothing new), your typical bad dialogue, and a very insulting recreation of Motoko’s origin story, trying to explain aforementioned whitewashed decision making. They can try and spin it…
So from my experience so far, it’s like a combo of Life is Strange, Homestuck, Undertale, and Oxenfree, with aesthetic feeling of Animal Crossing because of the anthropomorphic animal community. But also adds of elements of Guitar Hero and other various experiences in mini games to change things up.
Blue Valentine was sad as fuck but come on, both Gosling and Williams really made you care about those characters and they really did a fantastic job in their respective roles. I love that movie and to call it “empty misery porn” is not even a little bit accurate.
100% this. Like I guarantee you, “You fucked up my truck!” were just the first words to come out of his mouth, but on the inside, he was scared and shaken as fuck. It most definitely can come out as irrational misdirected anger.
You don’t think, though, that there’s a line somewhere here? Yes, the girls signed a contract to play for whoever they were told... However, 2016 has been the year for setting precedents (or for some it’s been “unpresidented”) and I feel like these are extenuating circumstances, as this is not a normal performance for…
I mean assless chaps are a part of my every day attire so who am I to judge
No Kingdom Hearts(2)? Come, come now.
i liked the ending of Last Stand.