Dr. Rainbow

How is Doug portrayed "scene after scene" like he's better than Elsa? I didn't get that impression at all, and I think the jump to sexism is unwarranted and a reach to make this show's characterization seem worse than it actually is. Elsa is essentially on equal footing with her husband in terms of betraying the

You got pictures of Jodie Sweetin in D.A.R.E.? I got an unexplained slideshow of Steve Buscemi, with no such indication of them being "After" anything.

That moment stood out to me too. While there's not a substantial trail of evidence to point to this yet (it's cloudy at best), I'm still not dismissing the possibility of Kevin being gay/bi. That trigger suggested, to me, that Kevin was weighing the bravery of coming out; how Eric now being openly gay makes him

I may not know you, but dammit I love you like my own blood. You are the executive officer and the bread and butter of my life. Tell Mr. Pryce that the price simply ain't right honey, it ain't right. No showcase showdown for this one. Have a blessed day, sovereign. #ABitTooPrycey #SaveLibraries

Haven't watched the finale yet, but I don't need to after reading this review. Man, they just keep stringing along this awful B-613 storyline that no one gives a flip about, yet they think it's such engaging and captivating material. CUT PAPA POPE OUT ALREADY. The first few episodes of S5 better be killer or else the