
It Had 15 Reviews,
Now It Has 100+ Reviews..

A Stereotypical “Closeted Jock” No Less..

Completely Agree With This Twitter User's Rant:

3 Words:

I'm Pissed.. And I Dropped this Show after Episode 5..

Disgusting How this Show Has 61% On
Rotten Tomatoes..

The Premiere was a Little Slow, but It was Still Good!
Can't Wait to See More!

North Dakota!

Episode 1: 6/10
Episode 2: 7/10
Episode 3: 6.5/10
Episode 4: 5/10

The Show Is Moving Really Slow.. This was the Show's Weakest Episode!

Seriously, What Is Up with the C+s
Every Week, the Show Is B- at Worst!

IGN: 4.7/10 AWFUL

Tonight's Episode Was Phenomenal!
So Many Call Backs and Parallels to Season 1 & 2!
So Many Tough Decisions Were Made, It Was Tough!
Praimfiya Is Coming! From The Ashes We Will Rise!

Top 5 Favorites:

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 Songs:

Tad Strange Avatar!


This Episode Was Fantastic!
I Can't Wait For Next Week's Season Finale!

“Over My Dead Body..”