@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: He thinks this has been blown out of proportion. The data backs this up. I'd be pissed too.
@Mike Zuniga is a Photographer Apparently: He thinks this has been blown out of proportion. The data backs this up. I'd be pissed too.
@jinlee: I just watched the entire presentation and he never belittled customers. He took thinly veiled shots at the press for blowing this out of proportion, but not customers.
@johnwonderbread: Like I said in one of the other eleventy billion iPhone 4 stories today: If you aren't satisfied with this, you won't be satisfied with anything less than Steve Jobs' head on a stake.
@permagenix: First, it was less than 1%. And we don't know how many of those dropped calls come from iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4. The point there was that people were ok with the 3GS, and iPhone 4 is barely higher than that.
@ilovetofu: The back is open because Apple wanted to show it off, nothing more. If they were that worried about the glass shattering, they've have designed the case accordingly. Plus there's nothing that says the bumper doesn't protect from shattering, since dropping on the side seems to cause it.
@geolemon: Well, they said they were always looking to improve and this was a step in that direction. They admitted it happens; they just failed to call it a problem unique to iPhone 4.
@William Hook: Be careful with the dock... I actually returned my bumper because the 30-pin connector I use when I travel is older and slightly larger (though still Apple's) and it won't fit with the phone in a bumper. After just two nights of taking it out I knew I would get sick of taking the thing in and out all…
@ilovetofu: I think it has more to do with the size of the factory allocated to do it. They weren't anticipating giving one to everyone, especially since some people weren't going to want one and others would get a case they liked better from third parties. So the factories they allocated for production weren't ever…
@Allegro: Um, how about "View Results"? Or not clicking through to the story you don't care about in the first place? Some of us are actually curious about the results and idiots like you are skewing them.
If this doesn't satisfy you, I don't think anything short of Steve Jobs' head on a stake is going to.
@WestIndiesKING: I just don't think the feature is useful if it drains the battery that dramatically or requires you to chain yourself to electricity. We can keep going back and forth on it, but it was really just meant to be an example of something that sounds special but really doesn't work and really isn't that…
@obnoxiosaurus: I deliberately tried to use blame-agnostic terms (expensive, crowded, uncomfortable, stressful) because I know the airlines can't be blamed for everything. I only called them out on not treating us like guests or customers, which is valid criticism and within their control. When I receive exemplary…
@thisisasticup: I actually did that yesterday too. Lucky too, because they highlighted it at the press conference and I doubt people will get them now.
@WestIndiesKING: First and foremost, iPhone 4 doesn't have to be perfect to clobber competitors. I never said it was perfect. For one, the proximity sensor has driven me crazy for three weeks. But it's still the best smartphone out there.
@CowZ: Ditto on the proximity sensor. I'm so POed that the iPhone team is wasting so much time on this antenna issue when the proximity sensor issue has affected me much more.
@Samudra Sanyal: Saying these features are just playing catchup reveals your lack of technical understanding, especially since you cite the camera. This camera adds both megapixels and improves the amount of light the camera captures, resulting in dramatically better photographs and video than iPhone 4's predecessors…
@VtCo: For Brian it was a must. For me it wasn't. I finally got my case yesterday, but I always get a case for a new phone (as do many others). For people like me, there's no extra cost because you were always going to get a case in the first place.
@NuevoLeon: Thank you.
@WestIndiesKING: Your assertion that it doesn't do anything special is really not relevant to me, and I disagree that other high end phones do what iPhone 4 does equally as well if not better. It's somewhat difficult to respond to your claim because it's so broad, but I'll try anyway.
@ortizlgnd4: I was going to ask who raided her closet!