While it is nice to know where your stuff is being used/linked on line from an ego aspect, the simplest rule to remember is this:
While it is nice to know where your stuff is being used/linked on line from an ego aspect, the simplest rule to remember is this:
Milliway's is now accepting reservations.
So this would work great in the Northern Hemisphere, but what about the Southern?
I sincerely doubt that was a 12 gauge.
...and for all the folks making snide remarks about President Ford and tripping/falling down stairs/being clumsy, it's not that funny really.
Actually, it was Eisenhower who warned us of the dangers of the military-industrial complex. I suggest you give it a read:
Replace the see-through logo with an OLED screen and a sensor that tells if the lid is open or closed and adjusts the logo orientation as needed?
That has happened on a couple of occasions.
I know each and every person I have as a friend on Facebook and they are people that I would answer the phone at 3AM for and drive 200 miles to pull them out of jail, if they needed it.
This is pretty cool - lots of terrestrial applications as well.
Except for standard musty smells due to lack of ventilation and regular cleaning, anything that smells truly horrid usually has a cause behind it and it is usually fungal or bacterial in nature.
Post absolutely inane, rambling, inaccurate and indefensible technorants under his/her name wherever you can.
Granted, yes, the headline did not specifically state it was a nuclear missile, but seeing as ICBMs are typically fitted with such a warhead, it could be taken as read that a Hawaiian ICBM would indeed be a nuclear weapon.
Since when did Hawaii have it's own nuclear arsenal?
Thank you for that.
My first action when logging in to work email after a proper vacation (not just a couple days off) is to hit Control-A then Delete. Seriously.
I take the train whenever I can to avoid flying, but sometimes you just have to get there quickly or the train doesn't get close enough to where I need to go.
Holy cats! I just RTFA and $172 for those parts?? Maybe $30, tops. Dunno where they are buying those materials from, but they need to stop shopping there.
All those vast expanses with nothing in them. I want to go there.
This would be a *great* shelving frame for a garage or workshop too. I sense a summer project coming on...