
Insert Eddie Izzard's "Flag" skit here.

Flying rats.

No different than going to Las Vegas and dumping your $123 there.

No different than going to Las Vegas and dumping your $123 there.

So a "random engineer" made a major change to the functionality of the product, a change that the senior leadership are "fiercely against".

I have occasional (2-3 times a year) bad migraine headaches. The only thing that helps relieve the pain, other than just waiting it out, is to lay down in a dark room and start counting in binary.

>You're lucky Jesus didn't write this article, you'd all be banned right now

Wrong and wrong.

Add "Dr. Strangelove" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" to the list and you have my four all time favourite movies.

"Coca Cola Light" is "Diet Coke" in most of the world outside of the US.

+1 for WriteMonkey. Best writing tool out there.

"You were stringing (seemingly) random words together into non-coherent sentences, then turning them into questions by adding inflection at the end..."

Somebody needs to autotune this.

So, the UN would issue a Strongly Worded Letter(tm) and perhaps pass a resolution saying that the UN would be in a right tiff over it.

Treaties can be abrogated at the drop of a hat.

Abrogate the treaty, plant another flag and start taxing the hell out of it. Done.

I don't think the Department of Agriculture is as technologically advanced as you think.

Would it be possible to get a different, less graphic picture to be used on stories like this? The content of the story is SFW but when that image pops up on my monitor at work, I have to cmd-Q quickly to avoid questions.

I'm *this* close to deleting my Gizmodo bookmark. Really.

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