Generally agree this show was always somewhat overrated. He was a good Watson, though. Although on balance I will take Lucy Liu’s work on Elementary. And certainly Jonny Lee Miller is the better Holmes, I don’t see how that is even a question.
Generally agree this show was always somewhat overrated. He was a good Watson, though. Although on balance I will take Lucy Liu’s work on Elementary. And certainly Jonny Lee Miller is the better Holmes, I don’t see how that is even a question.
I finally finished Person of Interest. S5 isn’t on UK Netflix so I ended up buying the DVDs. I really liked the ending.
David Tennant is really good in Broadchurch. He deserves credit for having great antagonistic but affectionate chemistry with Olivia Colman, and for not being blown off the screen by her absolutely electric performance.
Oh, I dunno, I think they did a pretty good job in Fruitvale of making Jordan’s character (“character”) feel like a rounded out person who was deserving of sympathy but wasn’t impossibly virtuous, either. He loses his temper at his old boss at the deli when the guy refuses to give him his job back (which would…
Love these two and their work together and it’s particularly clear in Black Panther that Coogler loves directing him. There’s just a different energy whenever he shows up on screen in BP.
Creed is a wonderful movie. Just, damn, nearly every interaction between Adonis and Rocky had me close to tears, but especially that scene.
Adonis: No, no—let me finish! I gotta prove it!
Rocky: Prove what?
Adonis: That I’m not a mistake.
Holy shit, every time I hear that, it’s like someone’s cutting a thousand onions in the dustiest room on Earth. Ryan Coogler and Michael Jordan over here just PLAYING with my emotions.
I like their song from Warrior. (There’s a lot to like about Warrior.)
Goggins is seriously one of my favorite actors ever. Absolutely kills it in comedy or drama, crazy talented.
I love Loki, but I honestly think he’s been used as comic relief too much to be considered the greatest villain. Aside from the first Avengers, he’s been more of a nuisance than a threat, and doing everything for his own gain makes him more one-dimensional for me. Killmonger was just terrific in every possible way,…
Ditto. I loved him in The Wire, thought he was amazing in Chronicle, he obviously made a big critical impact in Fruitvale Station, he was great in Creed, and I was even happy to see him get chosen for Johnny Storm (until that movie turned into a total farce). He also seems to be a pretty cool guy from what I’ve seen…
Coach Taylor would be so proud!
Michael B. Jordan needs to be a star. The fact that almost every review gives him as much attention as Boseman makes me happy.
Shaw totally had a crush on Carter. You can actually see her thinking “I need to impress her somehow! Gun!”
Taraji P Henson had great chemistry with Sarah Shahi on Person of Interest. Too bad they didn’t get more to do with each other.
I love Enoch so far and hope he becomes part of the team, a betrayal would sting at this point. Shield always manages to surprise me with some unexpected early deaths every season. Really liked Tess and was annoyed because i liked the actress on The 100.
Ooh I hadn’t heard that yet. Well I, for one, will definitely be sad to see Gold go! As someone who’s never minded a bit of over-the-top scoring, I’ve loved his contributions to the series.
And she’s keeping her Yorkshire accent! #EveryPlanetHasANorthAgain
That reprise of the Doctor’s Theme at the very end got me. It felt like such a lovely bookend moment; I couldn’t help choking up a little.
I love Daredevil, I love Charlie Cox, and I have maintained a lot of sympathy to Netflix-Matt while he has enthusiastically taken a flamethrower to his life, career, and most important relationships.