I agree that he is not what I would call "hot," but then again not everyone can be Idris Elba. There is something attractive about him, though, right? I think it's his clothes.
I agree that he is not what I would call "hot," but then again not everyone can be Idris Elba. There is something attractive about him, though, right? I think it's his clothes.
I was once on a first date with a friend of a friend of a friend (too many degrees of separation to trust, it turned out!) and he took me to a neighborhood restaurant. He was handsome enough and seemed to be very bright, but perhaps he knew this all too well, because as the waiter - who could not have been older than…
You know I've never had that experience but I can understand how it would be frustrating. If the kid gets fussy the mom will usually walk away for a sec to get the situation under control.
It totally depends on the parent. I have girlfriends who bring their babies to brunch, keep them quiet and fed, and then carry on conversations and drinking as if the baby is not there. That's totally cool! I'll stare at your baby and even help burp it as long as I can drink my mimosa and curse like a sailor.
You guys - how pumped is this random guy going to be that the Internet think he looks like un-aging hottie, Paul Rudd?!
Can't decide who is worse - this lady or the lady on my street when I was a kid who had a bowl of individual (i.e. not boxed) raisins.
I accept these terms. Because we'll know. We'll. Know.
Ok so my favorite part of Into the Woods in general is the concept of "it's the witch from next door!" Like... who is living next to a witch? MOVE.
Yeah I didn't think that that omission led to the manipulation of Char and Korina having to work together, I just though it was super strange, since Alexander was auf'ed the episode before Korina. I thought, if anything, they would have omitted the kid's outfit since it was less material and more difficult to change…
But if it was the last X number, why wasn't Alexander's design included? That really confused/bugged me.
That's not Minkus. That's Patrick Fugit. This is Lee Norris (a.k.a. Minkus from Boy Meets World):
Best actor/character is definitely Minkus (glad he still gets work!) who was nice enough to stop being a cop for a second and find the cat's food and litter.
My husband does sometime formally refer to our cat as "New Name (nee Paula)."
Yeah she was young enough that I was able to rename her (even though her new name is nothing like the old) and she responded to it within days.
Yeah but Paula is even a lame human name! (Apologies to all Paula's out there, but I believe this to be true.)
That's pretty awesome. Way better than my cat's name when I adopted her from the Humane Society: Paula. (She was renamed soon after.)
I clearly have to give my Shih-poo a more Asian/German name.
I'm not really into Taylor Swift or her music, but I am really jealous of whomever got to hold Olivia Benson the cat.