

Please bring Touch + Monica Bellucci BEFORE...whatever it is you suggested. I already forgot—my focus has shifted...

I'm just becoming more and more glad that I stuck to my guns about not subscribing to PS+. I'm sure for some people, the value is there, but it definitely isn't for me, at this point.

In response to this poll, I decided to give Mint a shot.

@BlackNomad: "Oh, and you can do something with it you could never do with any form of 3D before it (to my knowledge) - you can control just how much 3D effect you want."

In response to the title of this article alone:

@The_Adjuster: Yea...I actually did have MW in mind. I have yet to purchase an expansion for Modern Warfare 1/2. Red Dead, there's a chance, but it's still not likely for me.

I've got to say. I love the amount of support that these games are getting. But shelling out $10/pack for this type of content...I just can't bring myself to make that kind of commitment to a game.

@dizzytired: I'd imagine you're right there. Problem is I just don't happen to have a shoehorn near my "everyday shoes", lol. But I've had a couple of pairs that wore down in the heel—most notably a pair of converse-like "canvas" styled shoes. (Can't think of a better explanation)

@TuxBobble: Correction: "Electrically shocked". Way to be a jerk and say "no" and not give a reason, or even offer a proper definition of "electrocution", btw. No reply/promote for you.

I've got to say...it DOES scare me. I've been electrocuted more than once, and it is NOT fun lol...

My first reaction? "Looks kind of like Opera"

@hostile17: Seriously. That's what I read.

Well, this will be the best invention from 2010-2019.

FF13, Red Dead (finishing), 3d Dot Game Heroes, Peace Walker...can we count 2009 games that carried over?