Honestly, this is a terrible, terrible complaint. This is just as bad, to me, as suing McDonald's over your heart attack. (At least she didn't actually sue? Haven't clicked through yet since I'm at work)
Honestly, this is a terrible, terrible complaint. This is just as bad, to me, as suing McDonald's over your heart attack. (At least she didn't actually sue? Haven't clicked through yet since I'm at work)
@jayntampa: "Seriously, Kotaku just needs to start giving out fanboy badges so it's easier to tell score."
For $10 a month WITH ads? That's a pretty steep penny if I need to watch ads. I'll stick with Netflix, but hopefully they'll offer ad-free at some point.
@Hami83: That's a fair point. There's no need to be too concerned about it, since it won't affect my current status on the PSN. That's the one thing that's GREAT about PS+. It is a completely distinct sector of PSN, which can be added on or independent.
@Setzer IIDX: I know—I'm specifically calculating the "per month" worth in the original post (edited so you might have missed that) for that very reason.
@VincentGrey: Alright. Thanks for taking what I said 100% literally.
@Hami83: I'm not actually since I own it. And your point doesn't really hold true.
@WildVulture: Of course you are right, but my point is merely that I'm very skeptical of the quality of game offered. They've been pushing WipEout pretty hard just based on the fact that 3D is a big deal to Sony right now, so it makes sense for Sony to release something to promote its own abilities.
@Chester Coat Sleaves:Promotes Deans Comments!: I don't think that's premium. I think that's simply a PS3 firmware update.
What do you get with PS +?
@b-radicate: A normal DVD, which, incidentally, is known to have faster read speeds than BluRay, if I'm not mistaken...
@Rukishou: As far as I know this isn't for recording, just for editing. So you'd need to already have the video...I believe.
I'm not near a PS3 (at work). Is there a "free trial" to start off with?
@Billybird: Hell I'm 23 and the only Apple product I ever owned was from one of those freeiPods.com websites. And that was just cause a) it was free, and b) I REALLY just wanted to see if those damn sites were legit. Who would have imagined they were?!?
Erm...I don't buy it. The reason why they lack creativity is because they excel in functionality. And the reason for that? Because people were creative IN THE PAST.
@Ketna: @GumbyX: @hatmantc: @decimalator:
Honestly, I don't see this as a necessary subscription for me. It doesn't add $50/yr worth of content, since the content disappears as soon as you STOP paying $50/yr.
Man, this sounds like an episode of House...
@Whitson Gordon: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not say anything we can't take back here, Whitson...
@ehed: My GUESS is that the paint being used has enough elasticity to handle the size differential. Ever notice how when you pull up paint, it kind of "stretches" and "peels"? (Not scrape up the paint, but actually pull it up) There's a certain level of elasticity in paint that, I'm GUESSING, allows for this to…