
Hey, hulu's got criterion, and most of the shows on Netflix that aren't on hulu are things I've already seen. So me and hulu don't need you!

Spotify has full albums of Scharpling and Wurster material, which is where I started. I'd recommend the tracks Jock Squad, Rock, Rot and Rule, The Gorch, and The Gas Station Dogs, in any order. After the albums Best Show gems, which is easily googled is the second best place to start. Once you dip into the episodes,

Yeah, MATCH FACTORY GIRL is pretty bleak, but I'd be hard pressed to think of some other piece of miserablism thats as punk rock as that films third act.

But… there is a HOPSCOTCH movie.

Slide whistle?

I love that Maron and Tom look like they're just barely putting up with the rest of the podcasting crowd.

The fest where I saw it had more walkouts than any other film I've ever seen. The fact that I see it pop up as popular on Netflix occasionally has me thinking a lot of people are watching it for the wrong reasons, which doesn't make thinking about the film itself any more pleasant.

A while back they did a video recap where a few of the writers discussed their favorites of these films, and all of them admitted that they've seen their selected film way more than once.