Tuts B.

There’s a blues song by the late Denise LaSalle titled “Lady, your husband is Cheating on US”. I read that the current mistress knew about the previous long- term mistress. My vote is the previous sidepiece. Since he seems to go women who are married, he probably felt he was safe from one of them saying anything. 

Theory#5 His other side pieces.

Well... damn.

If you are going to do this, then you need to keep up with the rest of the class. This is his THIRD workplace affair. 

My instincts were right about this guy - he’s kinda skanky! Lets hope she cleans him out! I wonder if he’s ever read a single book about Black women during hellish times. My thing is, we should educate all of our sons about the experiemces of Black women throughout the diaspora. Maybe only then will there be true

It’s like high school, military or any other industry where people have ONE thing in common but are also always in the same vicinity of each other 8-10 hours out of the day. Some kind of connection is bound to happen especially if you’re both attractive.

Marilee is just about to get her shoes off after handing her friend her ear rings.

Long before his swirl with Robach, there was always something not quite right with Holmes. I live between New York and LA and when I was in New York at events he attended, he gave off that lecherous vibe, as my mom would say. Then his sanctimonious diatribes regarding other Black men when they screwed-up is laughable

Although he’s not as progressive as I’d like, this is good to see. I suspect he will be Speaker after the next election. Republicans only got the majority through gerrymandering, as the country decidedly voted against their extreme positions, but they don’t understand that yet.

Several years ago, the bird decided I was too uppity when I tried to push back against some racist pol. I got some kind of warning about my language and decided not to cave in to bullshite and stopped posting. I didn’t delete my account because I thought it might come in handy one day. I was wrong. Deleting it with a

The author didn’t put this on black men, he put it on men in general. This asshole happened to be a black man, but the author does not say that has anything to do with what happened.

This article really should have an update informing the reader that the suspect was arrested 4 days ago.

Who commits the murders and rapes dumbass?  It isn’t women.  Shut your small dicked dumbass up.  

Men are the worst stupid. Who do you think does all of the rapes and most of the murders? 

Just a few years ago, this dude was married to Kim Kardashian, had a bunch of kids, and was hanging out with Jay Z and Beyonce. Now he’s divorced and hanging out with Candice Owens. Life comes at you fast.

As per the Update: just wow!!

Wow, Kanye is so different. He stands out. He’s so special. See what he did here? WHITE LIVES MATTER. The opposite of BLM. WHOA! He’s so avant-garde. He goes against the grain.

And please, let's not forget his colorism shit aimed at dark-skin Black women - requesting light-skin/"multiracial women only" apply for one of his fashion shows. Time to cut off his oxygen!