
Are you a more "hardcore" gamer? NGP is for you. Sony, although trying to lower the price point and increasing socialization in the system, has angled it primarily for more hardcore gamers.

I hope they release a 3D or more powerful version for more monies.

YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT THIS! But somewhere I read it only affects those who use a phone on/near their head or groin for more than 4-5 hours. So you are safe. Unless, of course, your phone is glowing bright green.

Sucks for you to not live here in the US. LOL!

Uncharted, Killzone, GOW, Resistance... and those are only beginning titles! I bet you're hyped now!

Sorry you live off the dollar store ;P

People like this don't deserve respect. They're theirs. You don't respect thiefs. You throw them in jail.

I know. Its malware, I said "have fun with it" meaning "have fun with the preinstalled MacDefender when you get the pirated stuff". Sorry, my post wan't clear enough. I was raging too hard.

Who would't have linked the App Store outage to the iCloud? Apple even stated they have a "cloud services offering". I don't know if Giz posted that article, they haven't been posting a lot of important news after all. They are a blog, so they post whatever they want (usually from other major news sites / blogs).

Duh. Thanks for stating the complete obvious, Giz.

No, but you can get an iJail.

They should have named it Ion. That way, it would sound less like a stupid animal, and something cool like a futuristic animal.

iAm iXited!

Just torrent it.

That place that no one knows about?

Good idea! Its actually making sense now! Thunderbolt has the bandwidth of a PCIe card I think.

I lol'd at that. +1.


Because they think that it can be used for "social interaction" by seeing where their friends are. Really? Its a fail. How many "hardcore gamers" care about this "social interaction". I'd rather have more RAM than that.

Looks like Sony seriously wants this device to loose. That means any phone/tablet released this year is much more powerful than the NGP.