
Are you saying you wouldn't want naked mode? NO NAKED MODE? This game needs a naked mode!

Call of Duty: More people try to get crotch shots.

No, his argument is that people use the word as something appealing. No one says they want to stick their wang in an iPad, people just say the iPad is appealing.

Woohoo, welcome to a new level of stupidity, bought to you by Gizmodo! Fucking retarded articles, all day long.

Advancing the clock is not really a hack. It's commonly done in speedhacks, and whatnot. I was surprised this bug was present in the first place.


Sorry, I was wrong.

Nano chromatic!

Mmmm, wafers! Must eat.

LOL! +1 to you.

Edit: I was wrong. Sorry.

Welcome to the club!

I agree with you. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

herp derp

Hell, I WANT them to release an armed drone on the people who organize these attacks. Of course, not KILL them, just scare them to the point until they shut the hell up.

I agree. Can't wait till there's a government crackdown.

The core branches do.

Hate is because they important, sensitive data.

I can't wait until NATO declares war on them. These idiots need to get wiped off the face of earth.

i agree! usaf ftw!