

Not my point- Point being that there are alternatives that are better but fashion is a curtain of ignorance to the general public. At least we can keep our dual core tablets and everyone else can walk around with a shiny sparkle-studded netbook that performs like s**t.

:p Sorry, my joke detector is broken. AP exams *sigh*.

Makes sense.

There's no way to find that out, is there? The mysteries.

I can summarize YOUR post as "Oh no no need to even try to avoid a bullet."

Netbooks sell like hotcakes because some girl n00bs in high schools like mine think they're "cute" and could not care less about the fact that the iPad has a better processor than that teeny 1 GHz processor.

Experimental stuff doesn't always work out. Keep in mind, this was probably cutting edge super secret tech and it was also probably it's first real mission. But look at the achievement- No one even noticed the helicopters until out (epic) special forces left the country.

Thats not ARMA, thats COD.

Wow. That takes away from the whole point of GLaDOS.

Gizmodo is full of idiots now. Like you. Law is law.

Idiot deserved it. It's illegal to run around naked. Don't follow the law? You deserve it.

The death of an evil force is good. Cheer on.


Oh I'm so cool because I use a $ for the S in sony oh look how bling I am because it makes me seem cool but I don't know it actually looks douchy but look i think I'm bling because i use the $!!111one1

You don't deserve any compensation.


Kotaku is an editorial blog strongly against Sony. I suggest you guys actually go to another site to see unbiased news. A picture from a press release showed them doing a 90 degree bow, even greater considering they're Japanese.

The only fucked up logic is yours.

You will get an email confirmation if you don't have your old console.