
1:58 terrorist.

JUST MAKE ME MY NANOSUIT 2. Then I will be fine.

Now imagine if we stuck a small nuclear warhead or super-high yield explosive on this baby...

Recommend you wait for NGP. Thank me later :p

Are you from America? Never hate a fellow city, my friend. This type of behavior will bring us down one day. Think as America as one entity. Think of all of us as one. Just a note :)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Wait for the NGP, thank me later. Unless you have $500+ budget on games.

This doesn't have anything with Apple, you Android fanboy ass. They didn't legally have the license. Key word, in case you still don't understand: LEGALLY.

Really? You don't think they get into trouble? Truth is, they do a LOT worse things, but don't tell their parents.

It will, numerous research has shown that when hept 4-6 hours for a long period of time, it can lead to extremely high radiation levels, and within just a few years, brain cancer. NEVER keep your phone near your genitals (pant pockets) or brain (even with a pillow).

Really? Bad parenting? As a student in high school, I don't think parenting has anything to do with it. And like the idiots tell their parents they receive 100+ texts a night.

As a student attending high school, I can tell you these kids (usually girls) are f*****g dumb. Ahh, I would go into a rant about my hatred for these people, but I'll just leave it at this. Don't be surprised when people find out these people get brain cancer and shizz because they sleep with their head near the

Same here, in Florida (USA).

They need to die, those traitors.

you CAN re enable OtherOs on the phat.

Retarded on how everyones flaming over 1 sentence... get over it guys.

Orange case? Do want.

LG FANTROLL!!! Must... ignore...

Fuck you LG. If you thought you were so good, why didn't you make a console? Wanna know why? Because you suck. Because you are so jealous of success by non-retarded companies that you are going to go around bitching about it. For real, LG, you do no good to this society. No one likes you. Get the eff out. I hope you

I'd rather go to space than get a shitty Xoom. That is, unless, if I get the Xoom and the space.

Its like one of those things people will play just for the hell of it.