
Estoy de acuerdo, supongo que estoy tan acostumbrada a que sea así que ni siquiera espero que lo reconozcan, en todo caso a mi me molestan mucho más las representaciones estereotípicas y condescendientes, pero también admito que mi forma de pensar está empañada por el hecho de no vivir en Estados Unidos, la verdad ni

I don’t disagree with you, but I think it’s different to say that it bothers you because she’s not supportive of mexicans in her country than saying it’s bad because la virgen is mexican (bad english, hope that made sense). In any case, the point I was trying to make is that my personal opinion (and I think a lot of

I never said I did, but when I see images of La Santa Muerte (just an example, btw) dressed as la Virgencita I find it really hard to believe that Beyonce doing a tacky photoshoot would be a problem for most people, I think (and again, I’m not saying I speak for everyone but I live here and talk to people all the

For whatever is worth, I just asked my super catholic mother what she thinks and she doesn’t have a single problem with it, I honestly doubt any of us down here will be upset about it. :)

Yeah, I was 8 when he got elected and even then I knew he was unqualified, I  think we’ve just set the bar really low, next to Peña literally anyone looks better.

Nope, sorry but he’s the worst. I’m mexican and I can tell you he’s a racist (he once commented that mexicans were doing the jobs that not even “the blacks” would do), misogynistic dumbass, he’s kind of like Trump in that he was a businessman and not a politician, before he was elected threw tantrums (as in repeatedly