Turtle Wexler

This guy is awesome. Perhaps Rick Scott should take some notes that the secret to longevity might be living a positive life and staying busy giving back.

Think he's checking out Annalise's turkey neck?

Richard Fish from Ally McBeal is Griffin O'Reilly's lawyer! I wonder if it feels weird to play a serious lawyer. I keep hearing the wood block when he speaks.

This is why I have always loved The Giving Tree. The tree reminds me of my mother. The book made me VERY AWARE that I was taking from her and helped me realize she's not a renewable resource.

Do you think Lucifer is friends with Bunnicula?

She may or may not have been a shitty parent, but you can be the best parent in the world and still have a screwed up kid, because culture, community, and possibly genetics play a part in who someone becomes. She also seems to have raised Anna to be strong enough to call June on her crap.

Thank fucking god for Sandra Hale. There's one actual adult looking out for the children, who cares about their well-being and safety. Jesus Fucking Christ, this gets worse by the day.

Thank you, grandma. No matter how it turns out, at least someone's looking out for the girls.

I'm loving Madeleine-as-Sarah Vowell. I look forward to more stories like this.

Yes! Do we agree that this mannequin CAN GET IT?

Call me a snob, but when I die, I demand cold brew at the very least.

I can't remember who said it, but it's a relevant quote: "For most of us, unadorned reality would boil our eyeballs...who among us, who buy tickets to war movies, would also buy a ticket to the war?"

Great article! Also, Madeleine, aren't you a little worried that you fucked around with the occult and now you're going to end up becoming soulmates with Katy Perry? I'd avoid cherry chapstick for the next 8-10 months if I were you.

No joke! I was writing my lecture on the Salem trials (which, thank god for them, my intro to American History students really do not care about anything before 1800, but they always get psyched to talk about the Salem "witches") and I started reading about the European witch hunts. Hundreds and hundreds of women were

Also, I have a celebrity edition one too! Not as great as this one, obviously.

I can see how the $100 might be insulting, but updating you guys with a presumed apology, taking ownership, and coming back to try to make things right sounds pretty classy to me.

So, I'm half-Persian. This means that when I go out with Farsi speaking friends/relatives, we sometimes get the servers who equate non-English-Speakers with being stiffed and it's sometimes evident in the occasional eye-roll or stiff smile. I used to be a server, myself, so I'm not at all unfamiliar with that attitude.

Celebrity Edition!

I've never served, but I did work in sales at a home improvement store for a bit...