Turtle Wexler

In what possible way is "enjoy your billion dollars" a burn? I assume it's a pretty terrific thing to have. Like, even if the beginning of his comment was the most horrific and on-target insult ending it with that would make me be all "You know, I will enjoy my enormous fortune".

I like to imagine that multiple black women have called him a punk and his oblivious takeaway was that they thought he was Ashton Kutcher.

I know Wallace is pro-marriage equality and she hates Sarah Palin. AND she was played by Sarah Paulson in the HBO movie Game Change.

AND Zahara was wearing Ethiopian traditional dress AHOOO!

It deeply saddens me that fondant-strocities have invaded birthday parties and baby showers. Every time I see one displayed on a table I lose 60% of my will to celebrate whatever I came for.

They knew he was filming?? That makes this so much better. 10 of that 80,000 was mine, and I wish I could afford to give more. I spent some time reading the comments coming in from all over the world & it gave me a lot of hope for humanity. I truly hope he goes out and surrounds himself with a wonderful family of his

You break it, you buy it. They broke their relationship with their son, and now they have to deal with the consequences of that. You don't get to be a bigot and then get to duck what you reap from being that way.

I approve this conversation and have learned from it. God bless you both.

Do you think somebody would really do that? Just tell lies on the internet?

I don't know. We had to do an assignment when I was in sixth grade where we came up with positive adjectives to describe ourselves for every letter in our name and then hang the lists from the ceiling for parent-teacher night.

Not listed in this article, but listed in the Gawker one, was that the flight attendant instructed the man to remove the devices, and he didn't comply. Honestly, if the lady hadn't thrown water in his face, an Air Marshal would have tazed him, which would have been hilarious.

Pretty sure Game of Thrones isn't set in the Middle Ages. It's set in a time/universe with dragons and magic and such.

I nominate Russell Brand for maximum randomness and hilarity

Mariah is predictable. She picked the sexy young thang last time. That's exactly what she's going to do this time too. Oligarchs and billionaires aren't likely to be willing to indulge her diva tendencies, and I can't imagine Mariah wanting a regular anything. If by some odd alignment of the stars she did end up

That is a good looking man. And a billionaire to boot? Yum!

Oh yeah, I'm just hanging out here waiting for the "LENTILS R CHEAP" crowd.

Add in the fact that food is one of the few affordable, easy-to-acquire, use-anytime things that people can use to comfort ourselves, and of freaking course we're always stuffing ourselves. We can't drink booze, smoke cigarettes, or use drugs at work, and sex isn't always easy to come by, but chocolate gives you a

Wow. Just Wow.

that is the appropriate response to sudden puppy arrival.