
I don’t know why these videos still shock me. This is our national shame, and it just keeps happening over and over and over again. We civilians can protest and scrape up our meager incomes to donate to organizations and the families involved, but we’re still fighting a vast, entrenched power structure that has

I’m not going to sit here and argue with you over whether or not I’m a racist or whether or not I care about the issues minorities face. I wouldn’t tell you who to vote for, anyways, and I know better than to sit here and spout off my “I am not a racist” credentials. But you and I are total strangers, and speaking to

Boy, you sure put my hateful, ignorant ass in its place. Thanks for the clarification! Time to go spread my bigotry elsewhere, I guess. And, for the record, I have no idea what race you are. I asked for specific examples about the claims you were making, because the Sanders volunteers I have met have never had that

You’re going to not vote for a candidate you agree with in order to spite a few loudmouths on the internet? And where have you actually seen Sanders supporters being “cruel” to minorities, besides in the anecdotes of a few outraged think-pieces looking for a headline? I’m not trying to pick a fight here, I’m just

I’m guessing Killer Mike had to coach Bernie for like five minutes before they actually took that picture. How is this appropriation?

Getting scolded for not playing the stupid, sleazy games that make up “having a career” is so frustrating, but it’s how people cope with their own capitulation to capitalism. It was probably naive to trust them, but you should be able to trust a freaking police department. That they broke that trust is their own

I agree with AlmostThere2; you have nothing to lose, really, so you might as well politely raise some hell over that guy’s jaw-dropping lack of professional courtesy. He clearly isn’t serving the best interests of his employers, and if they are worth working for they will appreciate knowing about it. People like that

They turned down an applicant who was willing to do the brave and honest thing under pressure, so it’s their loss. That might not be especially comforting right now, but you at least have the respect of this random stranger on the internet. :)

Is there any way you could pick up a seasonal job until the holidays are

Bless you.

My boyfriend and I live together, but if one of our family members had an open basement or garage loft I would snap it up in a heartbeat. Getting by as poor, young people in an area that has few decent jobs and high housing prices is a daily struggle. My boyfriend was recently promoted/transferred and now absolutely

Those claw marks say pretty much everything that needs to be said here.

I think one of the saddest parts of that whole experience was contemplating my own possible murder and realizing that those guys would probably defend him as a “good guy” and privately blame me for being so weird and quiet all the time.

I just sipped the last sad, syrupy dregs of my mocha, so that offer is genuinely tempting...

Well, preferably they would both be referred to as men and women, and only described as male or female when it pertains to an actual noun that requires the distinction, like ‘female firefighter.’ I am a little more lenient towards people who use both ‘male’ and ‘female’ as nouns, since not everyone has a bookshelf

My abusive ex was a volunteer and federal firefighter and used to say that female firefighters were all either “butch” or “cock-gobblers.” I already hated his guts at that point and was desperately trying to get away from him and the goddamn guns he held me hostage with, but that line really stuck with me as an

To elaborate a little further on NotAnonMoose’s (valid) distinction, ‘female’ should be used as an adjective and ‘woman’ as a noun. The reason people harp on it is because of certain male internet-types who insist on referring to women as ‘females’ while still calling men ‘men.’ They do it to sound scientifically

Thank you, Warren Ellis.

This line of thinking encourages the conservative tactic of shifting so far right that what used to be hard-line conservatism is now seen as “compromise.” And then, once the deal is struck, they attack the compromise as pandering to liberals and shift once more for the next big fight. They’ve been doing it for decades

Bernie should get the nomination, and you should vote for him in the primary. As much as Hillary can plaster on a smile and tack left as needed, she does not care about your problems and never will. She has been on the wrong side of just about every hot-button issue until it was politically expedient to switch. And

And then I stumbled across this very prescient column from Warren Ellis during the 2012 cycle. The guy nailed it.