
Right? I'm disappointed this will be PG at the highest.

even scientists think of them as the rainforests of the sea, so the analogy holds.

There's some interesting groups trying to get Americans into eating insects because there's like no environmental impact with them as a protein source.

Sweet! The rate they gave me was like $0.003 cents per whatever higher than my other rate, but they said rates drop as more people sign up so I hope that happens.

That's really nice. I don't know if my roof exposure is good enough to get all of my electricity from solar, but I would like to at least get a solar water heater when I'm ready to replace my current one.

Jawas are easy - you just make a Krayt dragon call and they scatter.

This is true! Although I've had a few "vegetarian" friends that didn't eat meat because it was "bad for the environment" yet still ate fish. I'd try to get them to explain how that's better, and they never had an answer.

Thanks for the electricity!

Last week I finally got around to switching my electricity source. I had the "basic service," which is coal-sourced, and went with a wind energy company. I don't know about other states, but I recommend it to anyone else in Massachusetts:

I love going to movies at weird times because you tend to get privacy. I went to the first weekday showings of Watchmen (3 or 4 of us in the theater), Captain America: Civil War (about 20, mostly teenage boys who all went "Ohhhhh" when Stark showed up since none of them recognized young RDJ), and Rogue One (maybe 12

The AV Club had a post about it and everything! Although it didn't mention she's in the AT&T commercials.

Wait, it's not Americone Dream week?

Playing Squirrel Girl.

I can't tell if it's recalculating because the milestones were reached early or late. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

I'm soooo glad Boston said no.

(detachable penis)

I'm feeling either verschlimmbessern or kuddelmuddel.


Well, look at that! This is the end of the book, and the only one here is… TRUMP.