
But…Taco Tuesdays are all we have left to look forward to!

Oh I assumed there was some other article that said Chewie would be a teenager. :P

Wait, what? He's supposed to be like 150, which is like middle-aged for Wookiees but Chewie had definitely seen and done some things.

I wouldn't mind Marvel just making more Avengers solo movies where Hulk is the sidekick.

Wookiee of the Year

Did they obliterate the backstory where Han saved Chewie from slavery building the Death Star hence the lift debt? Or is that what this movie is about? I could see him not joining the Rebels if they didn't help keep his people from getting enslaved.

It does matter if there's a reason that woman needed to be in an aisle seat or Coulter needed to be out of an aisle seat.

It's a surgical mask, not an N95. It keeps the wearer from spraying snot and spit all over the place and that's it.

According to Forbes and WaPo her new seat was in the same row, just moved from aisle to window.

Maybe she kept sticking her legs in the aisle so they wanted someone shorter who wouldn't be a safety hazard.

The guys that were falsely identified as the Boston Marathon bombers.

So if this is true, that poor woman had to sit next to her the entire flight since they moved Coulter from the aisle to the window IN. THE. SAME. ROW.

I think I'd put The Daily Show or Modern Family or something else I know she'd hate on my screen.

I can't remember what airline I was on, but a family with youngish kids (maybe 8-10 years old) had 3 seats in 2 adjacent rows but the 4th seat was elsewhere on the plane. I was in one of the adjacent rows, so the airline asked if anyone from our section would switch seats with the 4th one. I did and got free booze out

Does she realize the mask protects other people from her germs and not the other way around?

That is a fun fact - thanks for not teaching us the truth, public elementary school!

Hey, stuff is still being blamed on Obama so that was definitely Hoover.

Very few sequels are as good or better than the original. At least the time means they have a story instead of it being a cash grab like the Cars movies.

Inside Out's director voiced Riley's father's Anger and his daughter had voiced young Ellie.