Trump's body and "hair," the Reddit logo's head, and James Earl Jones' voice?
Trump's body and "hair," the Reddit logo's head, and James Earl Jones' voice?
"Here is the great danger: Many people expect a political lie to sound slick, to be delivered by intellectual elites spouting $5 words. A clumsy, folksy lie delivered by a shyster using broken English reads as truth."
Mark Twain is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.
I prefer politicians who don't drink that much cranberry juice.
Because it's actually a robot turtle since real turtles use their heads to flip back over. Duh.
Hey, nothing says AMERICA! more than chemical cheese that's individually wrapped in plastic.
I don't think I've seen Frankenfish. I have seen Snakehead Terror, though.
Hillary Clinton Shuts Down GOP’s Latest Attack With One Epic Tweet
Don't forget Sabretooth, which somehow has John Rhys-Davies and pre-LOST Josh Holloway.
reality-show barnacle Rob Kardashian
The former was on tour, don't know if it's still active.
Hey, (I don't give a F anymore)
I'm surprised he walks down the stairs by himself. He was clearly supposed to get into the other limo waiting directly next to Air Force One.
And today I learned there's a word for pictures-in-pictures-in-pictures.
Or humidifiers
1. It's not that much makeup.
Or S1 Buffy's "The Puppet Show"
But…you're apples!