
Since other people already replied about Norman's sex life, I'm just going to add that Norman made a point when talking to Madeline about having to get his car that it was somewhere out of the way.

I thought there was something weird about her yell, like it was ADR'ed in or something. Maybe it was Vera Farmiga yelling to make Madeline sound even closer to Norma.

Does it say something about me that I was like, "Wow, that divey looking bar has a really nice bathroom, and it's clean too!"?

This kind of shallow, cartoonish nemesis is exactly the sort of un-engaging cardboard cut-out bad guy Pixar did away with, instead making everyone who appears onscreen a well-rounded character.


I also like the lightsaber truel in TPM. "Duel of the Fates" is a great Star Wars song, and the only one I remember from the prequel trilogy.

I'm assuming the Riddick poster is "kind of funny" since one of the movies is Pitch Black, the darkest shade of gray.

Do you Shut Up and Drive before or after you Shut Up and Dance?

I'm just going to pretend you're actually talking about Clue.

In a dramatic hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, Comey, once again finding himself at the epicenter of a political storm, also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had a clear preference for whom he wanted to see as the next president — and it was not Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

This is why I won't see the movie and pretend the EU (excluding the Yuzun Vong or whatever books) is canon.

They do reference BSG in Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, though, which was probably one of the less terrible movies they've riffed considering Christmas movies are usually cheesy.

I don't know where the elephants for game parks come from, but the lions often come from places where tourists pay to play with lion cubs, but then once they're grown they get sent to a hunting park because nobody pays to see adult lions and they're expensive to feed. It was talked about in an episode of 60 Minutes

Oh, yeah, that facial expression definitely reads as "strong."

I think I saw that? Was it the episode he got pregnant?

the Mayhem Insurance commercial guy

His character and Dr. Phlox were the only parts I enjoyed. I don't even think I finished the first season, though.

Are there any stand-out episodes involving Claire and/or Colleen? I might just watch those and ignore the rest of the series.

Marvel has really taken their viral marketing too far.

Donnie Jr probably flogs himself for so much as accidentally glancing at another man's body.