
You know when people have crotch-height dogs that shove their noses right up in there? Makes you want crotch-height Triceratops, doesn't it?

I took it as people who identify with women's causes (aka supportive men), but what do I know.

I always get that one confused with the Oregon Trail doc Float vs. Caulk.

Which was why book-Dodgson was trying to smuggle out DNA - to engineer mini-dinos for the pet trade.

No, the one to root for got ripped in half by mommy and daddy T. rex.

As someone who lives in an area with a healthy turkey population (and after that video last week with the turkeys circling the dead cat), they are very big and intimidating birds.

The back-right one looks like Albertaceratops, maybe.

Augusten Burroughs did!

Why would he run away with the bride when he showed up on a perfectly functional motorcycle?

He was still coming down from the adrenaline rush of slaughtering all those Rebels.

"Did you also find my hand?"

It has a quick-release clip?

The Egg has somehow made over 1,000 comments but has 0 votes.

The photo of Banner and Thor made me happy.

I mean, if you're stuck in gladiator battles, you wouldn't want long hair for your opponent to grab.

So do we think this is ever actually going to be released? According to Wikipedia, it's been moved 4 times already.

That's who I thought it was.

Ignition interlocks exist.