
I love baseball so I'm biased, but the game takes just as long as a football game.

Norman cutting his eggs made me think of the Dexter intro.

I guess I can finally watch MASH. I saw the whole series when Netflix had it, so now I can see the movie.

I did that too!

Mind you, as a game show host, we'd assume he'd have a better knowledge set

Taco Bell menu cost aside, does he realize that $6 is not under $1?

Yup! They grow bacteria on their plastron to feed on, so the "hairy chest" look made the scientist who discovered them think of Baywatch.

Hoff crab fun fact: Yes, they are named after David Hasselhoff.

I thought an F is better than a D+ since at least the degree of failure is interesting.

A lot of them are pescatarian, anyway.

I'd be okay with letting Florida just be a wildlife reserve.

Or, ironically, "Icky Thump."

His head looks stranger than usual.

It's only relevance is it's the closest airport to Mar-a-lago.

But he keeps going to Florida, where our dangerous animals live, and he keeps coming back.

I'm not sure the crocodiles would recognize him as meat.

It's probably too late for this to be a performance piece where he calls out his supporters for being hypocrites, right?

More press needs to be on this