TurtleDovetailed (the constantly grey gardener)

You know why Toni Morrison isn't mentioned....

Where is her long essay about this, where she really makes a case? She has no case. So she tweets. (...) No case for why formulaic fiction ought to be reviewed in the New York Times.

I don't think that's true about Weiner, actually, at all. I would put her in an entirely different category of writing than, say, Sophie Kinsella, whose novels rely on tropes and stereotypes to push through retreads of old plots and stories. While I wouldn't say she's my favourite author, I do think she's a

It is really quite annoying that this movie does not even have the decency to be a total shitshow. Basically everything I've seen has it in the 2 star/C range.

It's not Khindergyrtyn that she's starting?

Oh, don't get me wrong. The thing I find comical is the poor quality of the writing and the things a grown woman was comfortable publishing under her own name.

Once again Jezebel continues its fangirl obsession with 50 Shades - A book series that shows a manipulative, emotionally and physically abusive relationship.

I've never read them, but I would imagine it's good on a scale of "YES I JUST GOT MY IUD AND PAP SMEAR!"?

Here to help.

Hey! I have some precancerous cells and did get the vaccine. So.

no worries! Sadly one of the things I've had to learn about.

Not really rare from what I gather. It's skin/skin contact, so using protection isn't even really a guarantee.

Disagree. The cattiness has nothing to do with her beliefs and everything to do with an explanation of her show that features a line like "And then I was on top of the lion and a guy, a random guy, just looked on me with a headset that I've never communicated with before..."

Just received the all clear ten days ago after discovering a CIN-3 last year and having a LEEP and all that jazz. I can count my sexual partners on one hand. That shit is no joke.

yep yep: same here. I've been on the pill since I was 17, not sexually active till my early 20s, was only offered the vaccine at 26 (6months before my 27th birthday when insurance would no longer pay), and found abnormal cells. Turns out The Boy carries hpv...multiple colposcopies later and I'm used to the drill. Wish

Don't even act like you didn't run outside and start hammering rusty nails into your feet every time you got a tetanus booster as a child/preteen.


Kids are crazy like that.

My mom died of cervical cancer. Chances are really good she developed it from STDs that her first husband gave her. Even "good girls" who plan to be faithfully monogamous can get HPV. Just want to scream in the faces of all those parents who refuse to protect their daughters (and sons for that matter) from one of the

I wish people would consider things before they say it's too late. You may not have been exposed to all the strains contained in the vaccine., so you can still buy yourself some protection, that is unless you have DNA proof from the biopsy that all are present in the sample.

Likewise, I'd have gotten it in a heartbeat. Reduce my risk of cervical cancer? Yes please!

Just found out today I need to have a coloposcopy, which I get to have tomorrow. GET THAT FUCKING VACCINE GALS. AVOID CERVICAL BIOPSIES!