It’s pretty good chocolate and the quality and flavor is on par with more expensive boutique brands. Dark chocolate with whole hazelnuts and the dark chocolate marzipan are my favorites.
It’s pretty good chocolate and the quality and flavor is on par with more expensive boutique brands. Dark chocolate with whole hazelnuts and the dark chocolate marzipan are my favorites.
The dark chocolate with whole hazelnuts has been my go to since 2003.
My bad, I should’ve cited it. Here you go: “In fact, people with severe mental illnesses are over 10 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than the general population.”
I’m really sorry those things happened to you and I’m glad you have found tactics that work for you. They just might not work for everyone in every situation. We do not truly know what transpired between this man and Ruth George that night.
Actually the statistic is that if you are a person with mental Illness and/or a physical disability you are more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator.
That Wine Away stuff is no joke. Tripped and spilled an entire glass of Red wine on my fairly new mattress right after removing the protector to launder. Wine Away made it seem like a bad dream. Don’t drink red wine while doing laundry, kids.
That Wine Away stuff is no joke. Tripped and spilled an entire glass of Red wine on my fairly new mattress right…
Damn. You get all the stars. And thank you for my nightmares.
I will allow the pejorative use of the word pussy this one time. For the cause.
Wow that was a really lovely piece. My inner Amy felt it it in her heart. Now please go finish writing that book because I wanna read the shit out of it.
I grew up in Fresno and I cosign this assertion..
Congratulations! Love it. What about Eleanor Curie?
“The staffer later confirmed the two had been referring to the MTHFR gene“
I recently took a sleeper train trip in Europe and the rocking effect was so soothing. I slept really well as long as the train was moving. These were not luxury bunks either. They were akin to the padded mats you used to take naps on in preschool.
Glad to hear that. Yes. Therapy was life-changing for me too. I rule at not giving any fucks these days.
This is good advice and Thank you for your kind words. I apologize if I didn’t make it more clear in my original post, but that was many years ago I am now in my 40’s and I have become really good at living my life for myself (with the help of a lot of therapy).
“I heard myself. I just didn’t LISTEN.“
So real. Felt very pressured by my parents when I was in my twenties to “see things through” including jobs and relationships. They were often situations that were abusive but I couldn’t always articulate that part to them in a way they could hear it. So much so, that I became depressed and suicidal, because I was…
Possibly, but after 1.5 minutes of tedious opening credits and no option for captions in any language but German, it was difficult to judge this the better version. Byeee.