Weird time of year to add a Christmas map
Weird time of year to add a Christmas map
I think the most disgusting thing about this whole mess is the fact that Amazon is still showing ads during her broadcast and taking all of the money. They didn’t shut off her ads. If they did that, this would be a lot less controversial. But as is, they’re literally stealing the money she’s raising.
Kinda Funny is raising money for Palestine charity including doing a charity stream this Friday. They also had Tamoor on their daily show yesterday to discuss the crisis and what happened at IGN.
I haven’t played Returnal, but Astro’s Playroom had some similarly impressive uses of the haptic feedback and other features. Like how the haptic feedback would feel different depending on the type of surface on which you were moving. Then they would combine that with sounds from the controller’s speaker. So surfac…
The Dualsense controller is honestly one of the reasons I’m wanting to play games on the PS5, in terms of some games that are multiplatform. I’d normally get most games on PC with the main exclusives on the console, but having the haptic feedback along with the adaptive triggers is very cool.
This is my strategy. Make eye contact, smile, and say hello while boarding. Then strive to be invisible. And don’t expect your good manners to get you free shit. They’re under no obligation and your being baseline decency doesn’t earn you free stuff.
So, being respectful, considerate, and clean is considered a lifehack now?
So basically, remember the lessons you (should have) learned in kindergarten. Be nice. Respect other people’s space. Don’t push in line. Follow the rules. Clean up after yourself. Etc.
My PS5 gets a really cool new background every time I scroll to a new game
Best $5 spent.
Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.
Have the performance issues on the base Xbox One been fixed yet? Because I ain’t touching that shit again until it’s actually playable or the PC version gets on Game Pass.
When I hear about established celebrities streaming on Twitch I’m always a bit skeptical, but I’m glad to see T-Pain is really taking it seriously, and kicking human garbage to the curb.
I’m so excited. Tools of Destruction was the first and only R&C game that I’d played until the free PS4 remaster a couple months ago, and it was a blast. It doesn’t have the pedigree of something like Mario, but I’d put R&C up there in terms of games that embody unadulterated joy and whimsy.
What does a CEO even do? Like, when I’m at work, managers way above me sit in a lot of meetings and maybe tell some slightly lower managers what to do once in a while. But, like. What is their contribution. Hell, my direct manager doesn’t know what half my work is half the time.
If most upper management at a…
PSA: You can claim “PS5 Only” games from the Sony Playstation website.
You’re outta luck. I offered about tree fiddy.
This was SO MUCH worse than I expected. So much worse.
TBH I want to split the difference and stream myself in a hot tub on an inflatable banana WHILE getting utterly destroyed in Doom Eternal Nightmare runs. And any time I die I have to write the name of the demon that killed me on the banana. And maybe Daddy Possessed Tyrant goes on my ass or something idk.