Im just a wee bit burned on Destiny right now. Thanks to medical issues I was unable to through the last expansion and only recently bought......only for them to get rid of the stuff I paid for. First world problems but annoying none the less
Im just a wee bit burned on Destiny right now. Thanks to medical issues I was unable to through the last expansion and only recently bought......only for them to get rid of the stuff I paid for. First world problems but annoying none the less
This whole article makes me shake my head. Don’t blow vapor through your electronics, especially your brand new $500+tax game station. Don’t hold your incense up to it. Do not light a pack of cigarettes and try to have the Xbox suck it in to own the potential hoax makers. Be nice to the new shiny consoles :(
3 Months Later
Yup! Ultimate ($15) covers both console and PC. But if you just have the $10-monthly PC tier, you won’t be able to access it on console.
Probably not financially though since it's a ps+ game.
Always happy to get remastered versions of games I love (though how happy might depend on the price point, as I still own all the originals). Won’t lie, though: I was hoping for more of a ‘remake’, at least as far as the first game is concerned, as I would have loved for BioWare to tweak its actual gameplay to be more…
Absurd addition to this review. Are we going to mention ongoing tragedies in every review of luxury items and consumer products? "Here's an RTX 3080, but let's reflect on the pandemic that has killed 240k Americans. You probably should feel bad for buying this"
Yep, what I want to read about in my reviews of products is the state of the world and politics. BEST part of the review.
Yes you do unfortunately. Walmart tweeted they’ll have consoles available online on launch day for Xbox and PS. I know for PS5 they’re doing 4 release windows throughout the day.
While I appreciate the sentiment, due to the bots buying up all online stock immediately this really blows. The plan was for me to get a PS5 for my birthday (the international release date). Because of that, I was willing to camp out for one. But now in all likelihood I won’t even be able to get one this year.
I’m still going to wait. If I learned anything from the eighth generation of consoles, it’s that within a year or two Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are all going to release upgraded versions of the Series X, PS5 and Switch. They’ll be smaller, have more storage, will be free of most of the bugs that plagued the launch…
The Series X/S’ biggest problem is also it’s biggest benefit: it’s not meaningfully different from the Xbox One. It’s just faster and prettier. I know that could ostensibly be said about any new console generation, but the change this time around doesn’t seem as immediately impressive. It doesn’t have any killer apps…
I’m on the fence about the Caustic changes. No blurred vision sucks, but more damage is a plus. Loba Black Market change is great too. So many times I’ve had to pick between Ammo and a better Secondary weapon.
“When replacing an attachment with one from the ground, if the old attachment is an improvement for your other weapon, the old attachment will get automatically transferred,”
Neat. Now if they put the PC versions of 2 and 3 alongside 4 in GOG that’d be a great way to capitalize on this fan effort at literally no cost.
But hey, what do I know.
$5.85 million, as the author pointed out is a slap on the wrist, but I’m really hoping that this is the start of a movement that sees developers who utilize “surprise mechanics” punished more consistently.
Absolutely not defending our insane military spending, or the crimes the Army has committed in the name of “freedom”- but asking your average somewhat nerdy military rep on Twitch about War Crimes is much akin to asking a customer service rep at Amazon about Bezo’s fortune.
He’s not remotely responsible for it, has no…
For me, it was the first F.E.A.R. It really succeeded in creating that fear by having this presence that just popped up without being a monster to destroy.