What’s annoying for me is not so much the ad — it’s during the loading screen when I’m doing jack shit anyway — but that the game has removed the ability on what shows up during the load into a game.
What’s annoying for me is not so much the ad — it’s during the loading screen when I’m doing jack shit anyway — but that the game has removed the ability on what shows up during the load into a game.
I’m still playing 2K12, the last good one before the devs started pulling this crap year in and year out. There’s still sponsor placement, but I can _live with_ sponsor placement; it’s so integral to actual sports broadcasts that it doesn’t feel out of place.
There’s an easy solution here people. Stop buying 2k games.
Remember when we thought this would be over by summer? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Will this impact my ability to get random PSN invites to “chat with hot singles” or “click on this link because you’ve won a random prize”? They are the social interaction I crave. /s
One thing I really hope to see (no sign of it here) is a rework of online statuses. The old either you’re offline or online from the Xbox days is a bit old. What would be nice would be to be able to say, when we’re online (which we are most of the time anyway), is whether we’re up for invitations and playing some…
I had mine on a 250gb ssd. not enough room to download the update that lets you uninstall parts of the game. so I just uninstalled the game completely.
I do believe only one person is working on it, and the game is fairly new. Which is why I’ve seen players giving it a break when it comes to the jank. Time will tell if the dev watches streams of the game and fixes the mistakes (Vinny from Vinesauce was having an incessant beeping coming from his VR headset when…
Yay for 2SA!
Look, I feel bad for these guys, but where the hell are 20 year old’s getting 5k that they can just send to someone like this?
As a casual Destiny 2 fan who just got back into the game when the new expansions went up on Game Pass, I was just thinking I’d love a good checklist to help me figure out what I want to do before the next expansion. That being said, I’m not looking to spend a dozen hours grinding in this game (I’m really just trying…
I was with you until you suggested suicide. No need for that.
He’s not my favorite rapper by a long shot but dude seems like a genuinely good dude.
It’s not an elder scrolls game until: I bump into a bowl on a shelf, sending it shooting across the room at speed of sound, then someone screams “FETCHER!” way too loud compared to the other environmental sound and voices, and then the entire town turns hostile and the game crashes. That’s how you know it’s time to…
as long as your light level is then yes you are progressing
Im also still on Act 1, same here,I like to do side stuff and not just straight story missions all the time. So i split my time playing between main missions, side missions, and then finding the random “?” marks everywhere.
Working on Uncharted 4. This is my second playthrough (first was last December), and this has just solidified that UC4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I know it’s not everyone’s speed but for me personally it is phenomenal. Just so cinematic and polished, and consistently fun to boot.
Completely unsurprising. Like most games-as-a-service go, waiting remains the smartest way to enjoy them. Cheaper, and way more fun.